Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dear People.

Assalamualaikum. Hello awesome people.

Awesome? Really? Lets have a deep thinking. Do we awesome enough to claim ourselves as awesome people? Look at the mirror an think? How much we ever care about people? How many times we reflect ourselves before we advice others on their mistakes.

This is just a short message to invite everyone to reflect ourselves and be more matured. And be realistic and alive.

Good day. Annedya.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

People Nowadays.


Dear everyone, it has been so long since my last post. These few weeks, I kept hibernating myself, due to some unspeakable thing. But it doesn't matter. Its not about me, this post gonna be about people around me.

There is a friend, she was barely not well, yet her own family disregard this thing and keep annoying her with such stupid behavior.

There is another friend, her own father doesn't care. But someone else care. But, yet that doesn't comfort her feeling, it makes her felt more upset.

There is a father, trying to teach his son, about responsibility, but yet, he himself, doesn't did well on his responsibility.

Let see I think peoples wonder why did I wrote this. I actually thought that people nowadays, seriously need a bigger mirror in their house.

Look. We always heard, people talking bad about others, but they themselves... such a big horrible losers. And than, those people trying to act like an angel, but then... Oh, please! Be real people.

Don't give so much hypocrisyin your so called 'beauty'

Think before you say something. You think peoples re wrong? Think what people may think about you.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Babbling Anne.

Assalamualaikum!! Hey all. Hehe...

Again it has been a few month since my last post. Hurm... Actually lots of thing happened. I felt soooooo... I don't even know how to explain. Blablabla... Me? Nagging all day and night? Yeah whatever!

So almost four month since i wrote, about granny and tell a bout a snail. I did missed granny you know? But then, for the last four month, my uncle passed away. My childhood friend, passed away.

Hurmm... Yet a new nephews born. Few cousins got married. And some others currently preparing for theirs too.

And me? I quit my old job and tried to find other job. Yeah, currently jobless. Its not that I don't like it there but few things make me hate what I am doing.

And for these few week, I do realize that, I have been wondering about my ancestral line, in both side.

And I have been wondering more and more on certain things. Ahhh.. As the heir of an honorable ancestral line, I was thinking that I should know my own ancestors.

I don't really care about whatever mess up in your mind. My blog is a part of my writing piece. I just want to loosen up my head.

Sorry for my tardiness. I am no one but His servant. Peace.

Thank you for wasting your time reading my stupid babbling bang out of the books. Assalamualaikum.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Lesson From A Little Snail.

Assalamualaikum. Hye all. Remember me? Yeah sure. I am quite alright. Its just my granny passed away last week. So that, I felt so sad last week. And I am still in a grieving process. But today, I'm not gonna share about my beloved granny.

Hahahaa.. Too much English is it. Okey!! Anne nak kongsikan kisah seekor Mummy Siput dengan Baby Siput.

Dua tiga hari lepas, time Anne balik kerja. Anne terpandang seekor siput ni dengan baby siput. That Mummy follow je anak dia dari belakang. So protective kan... Hahahaa.. The point yang Anne cuba sampaikan bukan How protective the Mummy was.

Tapi kecekalan Siput untuk membawa diri mereka. Cengkerang mereka besar dan pastinya agak berat untuk siput yang berbadan kecil dan lembik. Ini membawa kepada simbolik betapa besar bebanan yang ditanggung seekor siput untuk membawa cengkerangnya. Dan ianya juga sudah pasti menjadi tanggungjawab bagi sang siput. 

JIka diambil pengajaran dari dari kegigihan sang siput kita akan menyedari betapa setiap bebanan dan tanggungjawab mendewasakan kita. Sesetengah orang hanya tahu bercerita tentang tangguingjawab tetapi tidak sedar akan tanggungjawab yang sepatutnya dipikul. 

Mari kita sama-sama cermin diri kita. Di mana tanggungjawab yang kita pikul, dan sebesar mana bebanan yang harus kita pikul. Bukan hanya sekadar berkata-kata. Jangan disangka gadis gila-gila yang kononnya childish macam Anne tak kenal erti tanggungjawab. Tanggungjawab Anne pada ibubapa, adik-adik dan diri sendiri sangat besar. Dan memerlukan Anne untuk menjadi anak, dan kakak yang cekal.

Anne mungkin seorang yang loud, childish and happy go lucky. But I'm still a woman, my heart is too fragile. 

Enough of merapu. 

Here in Ampang.